Homeowner Guide
RI Analytical is New England's leader for environmental services. Recognizing needs before others do is key at RI Analytical. It's why we were one of the first environmental service firms in Southern New England and why we have grown to be one of the largest and most trusted. Understanding and following through on client needs is why there is no one in the field more highly regarded for service, quality and value.
Homeowner Private Well Testing
PFAS Testing
Chemical & Biological Testing
Materials & Consumer Product Testing
Exposure Assessment Management - Indoor Air Quality
Occupational Training
Private Well Packages
*Recommended that you contact your bank or lender, town, or department of health for testing requirements prior to sample submittal.
Rhode Island Department of Health - Phone: (401) 222-6867, Website: www.health.ri.gov
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection - Phone: 617-292-5770, Website: www.mass.gov
Connecticut Department of Public Health - Phone: 860-509-7296 Website: www.ct.gov
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations - Website: https://www.epa.gov/ground-water-and-drinking-water/national-primary-drinking-water-regulation-table
Please download our comprehensive guide for collection of all drinking water and well samples —> Here